Author: Team Econo

  • Guide To Building Your Dream Basement Craft Room

    Guide To Building Your Dream Basement Craft Room

    Does the smell of paint, the nubby feel of fabric, or the color of paper make your heart beat faster? Does the odour of glue, the shine of glitter, and the scent of sawdust make your eyes light up? If so, you’re a crafter and you need a functional and fabulous craft room. No space?…

  • How About A Cold Room In The Basement? How To Build One Yourself

    How About A Cold Room In The Basement? How To Build One Yourself

    A basement cold room provides you with the opportunity to store things like food during the fall season, items like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and bulk purchases are just some items that you can store in your cold room. This is not only cost-effective but also eliminates the need for frequent trips to the grocery store…