Licensed • Bonded • WCB • Insured • Financing Available



You have many options when you finance through Econo Basement. You can choose to finance 100% or partial amounts of the project. You’ll find us easy to work with. Just ask!

Financing Details

Zero Early Payout Penalties

We only offer OPEN loans. This means you’ll never incur a penalty for early payout on the loan.

Easy Approval before Signing

We can quickly tell you how much you are approved for (in most cases), within 24 hours.

Competitive interest rates

We offer very competitive interest rates through our lender, FinanceIt.

The Econo Basement team has sought out multiple lenders to offer great rates while still allowing easy qualification. Rather than being determined by your credit score, the interest rates are instead determined by the loan amount. You must still qualify, but you are not required to have a high credit score.

Get (up to) 15 Year Amortization

  • With up to 15 year amortizations, payment become extremely affordable.
  • We offer monthly, bi-weekly, or even weekly payment options. Learn how we can finance furniture, and decor within the renovation loan. Just ask.
  • With zero early payout penalties, why not amortize the basement for (up to) 15 years?
  • Commit to making the lowest payment possible to the lender, while making larger payments towards the principal, saving you (possibly) thousands in the long run, while still having the option to make smaller payments should you need to.